by Adam, V.
Lexicographic Cycles > Area (at 6th output) > Cost
Trackless Rate > Instructions > Cost
Stabilized Lead
Elemental Quicksilver
Stabilized Gold
Lexicographic Cycles: Cycles to 1st output, ties broken by cycles to 2nd output, ties broken by cycles to 3rd output, etc.
If the solve crashes or clogs after outputting some number of outputs, all outputs beyond that point is considered being outputted at infinity.
Your solution still has to complete at least 6 outputs.
The site will display intervals between each output. Repeating sequences of numbers will be represented in [ ].
For example, a solve with 13 [10] takes 13 cycles to drop the first output, takes 23 cycles to drop the 2nd, takes 33 for the 3rd, etc.
Example scores for Lexicographic Cycles
13 [10] will beat 13 [11 9]
12 will beat 13 [8], if there were no rule needing 6 outputs
13 [10] will beat 13 23 33 43 53 63, which crashes after 6th output
download: OM2022Weeklies_StabilizedGold.puzzle (where do i put this?)