/ Opus Magnum Weeklies 2024 /

Week 3 Instant Mirror Coat

event ended on july 6, 2024 at 13:59 UTC


by Ceres

Bounding Hexagon > Period > Instructions
Rate > (Area × Cost)

> is used as an arrow and indicates tiebreaker order.

Unstable Copper Amalgam
Reactive Water

Instant Mirror Coat™

The Bounding Hexagon metric is the radius of smallest axis-aligned regular hexagon that your solution fits into.

Rate is defined as the number of cycles per outputted product ad infinitum. That is to say, your solution needs to loop. So for example, if your solution outputs once every four cycles, it has a rate of four. If it outputs twice every four cycles, it has a rate of two.

Period is defined as the length of the tape loop.

USES: Gives most non-porous materials such as glass, crystal, or metal a mirror finish. APPLICATION: Mask all exposed surfaces nearby except for the object being applied. The object should be free from dirt, grease, and wax. Shake well. Pull tab. Evacuate immediately. Allow to sit overnight for full strength. SAFETY WARNING: VAPOR IS HARMFUL AND MAY AFFECT BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM CAUSING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE, OR NAUSEA. CAUSES EYE, SKIN, NOSE, AND THROAT IRRITATION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY DETONATING THE INSTANT MIRROR COAT™ MAY BE FATAL AND MAY BE PUNISHABLE BY LAW. DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. Unleaded - safe for children's toys, furniture, etc.

download: OM2024Weeklies_InstantMirrorCoat.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

this event has ended — showcase submissions are still accepted up to 24 hours post-deadline
by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)