I'm curious if this debonding in small chamber is the only way to 1/6T PIG. If that's the case and this is not the first few solves on stream I guess we can skip to the next paragraph. Rotating the ring is nice with the problem that first tape loop doesn't break anything down. This is neatly compensated by conduitputting the last two atoms together which makes the whole process 1/6T. Last two atoms together has additional benefit of removing bonder on the fire side and allowing a conditional grab. With that, pipeline separation at the conduit is done by one counting to six (later on the implementation asks for the conditional two-atom grab to sit into a 1/3T track loop though). Trade off of chirality is fun. Having water molecule cover the conduit would require P7 to avoid crashing into first air from the next set. Taking the water molecule out of hex arm earlier leaves no space to calcify the last water atom without calcifying other water atoms (and fitting the output glyph). One may ask if it's possible to make berlo not duplicate onto the last water atom but that's pretty much the same problem as week 2 TI without allowing bad sticks. This means that P6 requires good chirality of water at the cost of bad chirality of fire (doing two pivots from the second slot of conduit results in wrong chirality). While the small chamber is in P5, so many things in large chamber is P6 and I can't imagine P5 being possible.