Separate the elemental and metal cases by trying to convert to fire and triplex bond. If it bonded, just dupe salt with a copy of the original atom and output. If it didn't, create a stick based on the rank of the metal, which is used to control how soon the lead will reach the projection. Initial target was 24r (current is 26, elemental side procs twice) but I couldn't find a way to not run into problems with disposing the extra lead in the event of the print material not being a metal at that speed. A potential option would be to make the loop be such that the lead will always go down the main line and then check if there's an element at the end to determine if it should output or disposal, but I'm willing to eat 35 metric points for not needing to think about something annoying like that. Main thing that made this manageable was the quicksilver hexarm to make me not need to add a qs disposal line. People were talking about adding a salt case like it would be an extra challenge, but I don't see how; this solution works for the salt case as well.