Okuyasu would be proud of this... Y'know, because we use... Za Hando... Yep, now to the procedure. Anyway, we can split the type of template atom in 2 types: 1. the salty ones (these can be calcified/duplicated) 2. the metals How we distinguish a salty one from a metal? Anime. If TA=salty, then a duplication, a calc and an anime happens, the TA clone will be prepared for the cloning process. The metal check will not matter, as the TA will not be present and therefore the 5 quicksilver that would be used for the metal check will be discarded. If TA=metal, then the dupe, the calc and the anime will not happen, and there will be no TA clone. Instead, the TA is used to determine how much quicksilver is required to transform lead into TA (is equal to 5-the amount of quicksilver required to transform TA into gold). Then, using the processed gold, we store the quicksilver counter in a separate area, then we discard the gold. Now, we proceed with the duplication process in case TA=salty (we will make a check using the TA clone. if TA=salty, then we will output the TA clone's clones. if TA=metal, the salts will be discarded), or the projection process in case TA=metal(we use the counter to determine how much quicksilver we need for making the TA. the extra quicksilver will be discarded. In the process, we will remake the counter. After 5 quicksilvers expanded, we will make a final check. if TA is indeed a metal, there will be nothing at the dupe, and the metal will be safely outputted. if TA=salty, then the TA clone will prevent the lead from being outputted, and the lead will be discarded instead. i say lead specifically because there is no counter that would project the lead further.) And all of that uses just one piston. Lol