This was my first ever computation puzzle. As a result a lot of the notes taken during the solve (as said solve took me multiple days to complete) seem to be the ramblings of a mad alchemist. An excerpt is included: "To fix tin jam consider temporarily holding QS left. [uninteligible scribblings] the lead goes too fast." On reflection, however, I think this solve was pretty good for a first attempt. The key breakthrough, for me, was realizing that a wheel can be used instead of a normal input, at a cost of space, to create an input that is taken from via wanding and doesn't care whether atoms are removed or not. I tried very hard to make this solve wasteless, but the quicksilver loop grew too complex. Due to the tests and machinery for the cardinal elements being so large and central to the bestagon, metal management had to be packed into what space remained, and suffered somewhat as a result. Still, a solve is better than no solve. [Scrap paper is stuck to the back side of the notes here] "I've got it. I'll show them now. They'll all see. Then they won't call me crazy."