/ Opus Magnum Weeklies 2024 /

Week 8 Look-And-Say

event ended on august 10, 2024 at 13:59 UTC


by hallojasper

Cost + Cycles/6 + Area > Cost

Your metric is the maximum of all 25* test cases.
> is used as an arrow and indicates tiebreaker order.

Elemental Lead
Elemental Quicksilver
Ravari's Wheel
Input String (length 6)

Output String (variable length)


The input and output strings of this puzzle are not modifiable in-game, but you can use a third-party site, such as

This is a computation puzzle; Your task is to compute one iteration of the Look-And-Say sequence on the input string, treating lead as 1, tin as 2, ...... gold as 6.
For example:
Input String is always 6 atoms long. Your metric is the maximum score of all 25 test cases.
Output String has variable length; the rotation axis is the first element, and is fixed in case its length changes.

The solve does not have to loop for it to be valid.
"Batching" is not allowed; Your machine needs to assume the inputs are different each pull.
The longest possible output is length 12. Accidental overlaps due to changing output length is also not allowed.
Dropping any molecule that fits completely inside the output on the output is not allowed, if it is not output (no output conditionals). Think it as a linear conduit of length 12.

download: OM2024Weeklies_LookAndSay.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

this event has ended — only showcase submissions will be accepted
by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)