/ Opus Magnum Tournament 2025 /

Session 7 Have You Ever Wondered How Proxy Arms Could Pass Through Each Other?

event ended on march 2, 2025 at 12:59 UTC

Pass-Through Alloy

Critelli, Claudia (Critelli Workshops)

Area > Cost > Cycles
Rate > Cost > Area@∞

Due to a fundamental limitation on the validator, the solve will not be verified. Instead, the area metric will be measured using the parsed metric. (Make sure to run your solves to completion, to make the game write the proper values to the solution file.)

Rate is the average cycles to output. It can be calculated with (Loop length) / (Outputs per loop).
For example, if your machine takes 100 cycles to loop, but produces 4 outputs per loop in its looping portion, the Rate is 100/4 = 25.
Since the Rate metric has to be verified manually, please write down your rate in your note.
If your rate is larger than 100000, it will be truncated at 100000.

Sublimated Lead Amalgam
Sublimated Tin Amalgam

Pass-Through Alloy

Note that this puzzle features quantum-bonded reagents and outputs.

Quantum-bonded molecules are actually molecules with no connecting bonds between its parts. They function like usual molecules, but whenever a debond happens in such a molecule, the bond network of the molecule is recalculated, separating "quantum-bonded" parts.

The location of quantum bonds inside the output is not relevant, as it is not an actually existing thing code-wise.

Even though visually disjoint, quantum bonded molecules are treated as individual molecules in-game. It may not be replicated with multiple disjoint molecules, nor can it simulate multiple disjoint molecules.

Due to technical limitations, your solves will not be verified using omsim. Make sure your solutions are run to completion, and the game is writing the proper values to the solution file.
Modded versions use an older version of the game, so the "used area" check is different from the most up-to-date version. Use CollisionPatch to make your area sync with the current version.


Greetings, esteemed alchemists.
Now, before I start my presentation, I want to ask: how many of you are alchemical engineers?
Raise your hands if you are.
(Many hands raise up.)
Now, most of the modern alchemical engines use proxy arms, including our ones.
Have you ever wondered how proxy arms could pass through each other?

Click here after solving puzzle to reveal post solve flavortext

CRITELLI: While the most modern formulas are significantly different, the principles are the same - utilising a unique crystal structure provided by treating the base material.
CRITELLI: Of course, each company does something different to it, leading to different handling characteristics.
JOHANNSON glances to his left, looking at his colleague, which is no longer there. The seat is empty, save for a notepad and a pen. JOHANNSON does a double take when he realizes it.
CRITELLI: For the future developments of this remarkable phenomenon - who knows! Maybe we could develop a new material to filter gold from seawater?
JOHANNSON glances backwards; the door is slightly ajar. He gathers his possessions and the ones on the empty seat, then discreetly but hastily exits the room.
CRITELLI: Thank you for listening to my presentation. May our futures be prosperous!

download: OM2025_7_Pass-Through_Alloy.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

this event has ended — showcase submissions are still accepted up to 24 hours post-deadline
by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)