/ Opus Magnum Tournament 2025 /

+ Closing comments and banquet +


Memory Lane

The goal of this puzzle is to encode information (provided as a 5-atom stick made of fire and salt, total of 32 cases) into a 2-atom metal molecule (total of 36 cases).
The encoding is not given; instead, you need to devise one, then implement the encoding in a solution.
Your solve is valid when it can successfully distinguish all 32 input cases.

For example:
00000 -> Pb-Pb
00001 -> Au-Cu
00010 -> Fe-Cu
00011 -> Pb-Ag
00100 -> Sn-Fe
00101 -> Cu-Fe
One input must correspond to one output, only, and vice versa.
The encoding must not change between different runs.
Assume the inputs can change during a run. Output 1 must correspond to input 1, output 2 must correspond to input 2, etc.
Any molecule dropped onto the output and has the correct bond structure is considered a potential output.
You may change the atoms in the Display Element and Encoding String to test for your cases.

Ideally, the solve loops forever and is able to handle all inputs in any order. Due to practical and difficulty restraints, however, the solve need not loop, and will be tested on identical inputs every loop. (It still need to reach the victory screen.)
If the host (i.e. me) has a reasonable doubt about a solve being "batching", i.e. exploiting the fact that all inputs in a test case are the same, the host may test the solve with a varying input.

To reiterate:
Please supply the encoding in the notes, for broadcasting reasons.

mr-puzzel created a computation mod for this puzzle (Discord link), which can be installed with the Quintessential mod loader. Consult the links for more info.

(Maximum of all cases) G/5 + C + A > No tiebreakers
Free 10 points for anyone who submitted a valid solve

Display Element

Ravari's Wheel
Elemental Lead
Elemental Quicksilver

Stabilized Fire
Elemental Fire
Elemental Salt

Encoding String

Click here after solving puzzle to reveal post solve flavortext

Cut to a dark alleyway. PERSON #1 holds a pistol in his hand.

PERSON #1: Mister Savant.

PERSON #2 turns around. He sees PERSON #1 aiming a pistol at him and raises hands.

PERSON #1: Or should I call you mister Vaya?

PERSON #2 visibly hesitates.

PERSON #2: I have no idea what you are talking about, sir.
PERSON #1: You should know what you did nine years ago. I imagine the name Verrin is rather familiar to you.

PERSON #2 slowly backs away.

PERSON #2: What do you want from me?
PERSON #1: Clearing my family name. Failing that, revenge.

PERSON #2's back is against the back wall of the alley.

PERSON #1: Any last words?
PERSON #2: (Desperate) There was a reason why I did what I did, at least give me the opportunity to explain - !
PERSON #1: (Interrupts) I have waited for this day, mister Vaya. This will be my only chance for - !
PERSON #3: (Interrupts) Halt!

Cut to a balcony door on the conference building. PERSON #3 appears, dragging an ornate suitcase.

PERSON #1: (Taken aback. Hesitates then points pistol at PERSON #3) And who you might be?
PERSON #3: It does not matter, mister Ravari. What matters is what I will now show to you.

PERSON #3 calmly assembles a portable VIDEO PROJECTOR. She produces a SPOOL OF METALLIC WIRE from the suitcase, and inserts it into VIDEO PROJECTOR. PERSON #1 watches conflicted and confused. PERSON #2 just stares at PERSON #3.

PERSON #3 flips the switch. A blurry video of PERSON #4 appears at the opposite wall.

PERSON #4: I hope this message finds you well, Antonio Ravari. Greetings. I am Clara Soria, of house Soria.

download: OM2025_8_Memory_Lane.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

to be accepted, solutions must be submitted by march 16, 2025 at 12:59 UTC

by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)