For the amount of time I spent on this puzzle, I'm slightly disappointed to end up with this solution. I don't think it's bad, but I'm sad all the experimental stuff I tried didn't end up working. My favorite unused tech was using an unbonder to duplicate earth on cycle 3, which moved the water to the end of the rebonded reagent. I also had a clean triple final bond that just barely collided. I'm hoping someone figured out how to get some cool tech to work. While 8L is mathematically possible, the geometry is absurd, so the real test for a good solution is simply how fast you can orient the reagents while getting them to be the right color. This is the most stressed I've ever been submitting a solution. I'm home for the holidays and I convinced my dad to submit. He's never touched the game so he's hopefully going to play like a noob, but he's a wickedly smart guy. I'm just hoping he didn't beat me, I'd genuinely need to quit.