I'm quite proud of this solve. As evidenced by both the solve name the number of times I submitted this category, I improved it quite a lot from my first solve. My first attempt at a moderately good rate had 10 rate and 49 latency for 99 cycles, using a brick to get the right amounts of water and the ending sections of air and earth to a construction site. I quickly found ways to remove a number of latency simply be shortening the length of the brick, pulling elbows off the end a bit earlier, and thought that's where the solve would stay. However, in playing around with other designs, I found a way to manage each section of the design in only 9 rate, and put those together for an 83 cycle solve. Since then, I've saved individual latency in every section of the solve, from setting up the duplication area faster to creating the final structure from a brick in only 8 cycles to allow the final few products to get pushed out just a little faster. I would never have thought that my original design could be made an entire 23 cycles faster than it originally was. I'm not sure how well this will place, given that I have very little clue what true optimization may look like here, but I'm happy with it nonetheless. Also, if you're wondering where 5 gold went since I submitted 2 days ago, I has a track that was completely unused, so I got rid of it. Also added a few equilibrium glyphs and Critelli for aesthetics.