I once knew a washed-out alchemist who turned to a life crime. He had knuckle tattoos, the word "mors" on his left and "vitae" on the right. And much like him, cycles has hands. Rather than regale you with my anguish over applying the advanced technique of double pipeline rebuilding, or complaining endlessly about the difficulty of swapping so many atom positions, I'll draw attention to the track segments. Fast machines like this one may splatter droplets if the output vial is not affixed tightly. Several times, I witnessed the self-organizing fluid pool in the groove of a track, and if by looking closely, you can see the fluid separating towards each end of it. If multiple tracks are splashed, the fluids in each will polarize in the same direction, even though they are not connected. It's probably just my setup, but I find that the fluid polarizes with vitae towards the positive end of the track more often than chance. I have been breathing animismus potion fumes for too long. My dreams are of converging pipelines and dancing triangles. - Alchemist Kazyan