Wow. This puzzle was a DOOZIE I FUCKING LOVE ATOMS SWINGING AROUND WEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOOK AT THEY GO AND THE OUTPUT GO LIKE CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK REALLY FAST AND I LIKE WHEN IT DOES THAT YAYYYYY Started off with the calculations, and got 20c as min. Then had to actually execute said min which was a lot harder than the calculations. The "easy" part was the first four outputs. They only required some finnicky geometry to "swap" the two pairs of elemental and anime atoms to the opposite outputs. That took me about 4 hours to figure out. Then comes the odd one out pipeline, which was needed due to the odd number of inputs needed to construct the 6 elemental-anime molecules, and because of how much machinery is already needed for the first four outputs, the routing to get the atoms into the right place gets a lot more challenging. Honestly surprised I managed to hit min, I was gonna settle with min+1 using two pipelines, but i decided to go all out. My cost solve probably isnt great because i do not want to spend effort on it but yeah, :D footnote: "Winner winner chicken dinner" - girlfriend