Where would we be without the Glyph of Animismus? A better place, I'd wager. You can tell when alchemists have been using it without authorization. Cheap parts on a borrowed engine--you don't need much of a life-and-death compound to feel its effect; no need to worry about speed. Cram all your instructions into one arm, shred the Alcaro tape when you're done, pocket the gripper. No one's going to miss a single gripper arm. And remove the telltale glyph. But you can always tell. It's the diamond. A bit of track and a bonder laying out, that never looks suspicious, does it? But it does. A diamond track is evidence enough to dust for animismus, to see if there's wear on the vitae and mors proxies. If you're sure of what you're doing--and you're not--spring for the extra arms when making rare alchemicals on the cheap. - Alchemist Kazyan