/ Opus Magnum Tournament 2023 /

Week 0: End Game

event ended on january 13, 2023 at 21:59 UTC
view all submissions


This puzzle is optional and doesn't affect your tournament score.

Rate > Steady State Area > Cost
Area > Cycles > Cost

Solutions which continue to gain area forever do not have a Steady State Area and are not considered for the Rate metric.

Alara Fen
You know, alchemy didn't use to be like this. Before, well...
Mikael Eltus
Can you believe people used to consider gold a *valuable* metal?
Alara Fen
They didn't know how good they had it.

download: OM2023_W0_EndGame.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

this event has ended — showcase submissions are still accepted up to 24 hours post-deadline
by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)