/ Opus Magnum Tournament 2025 /

Session 3 Optically Anisotropic Liquid, or, The Mystery of the Potion That Won't Mix

event ended on january 26, 2025 at 12:59 UTC
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Self-Organizing Fluid

Johannson, Simeon (Oberon Berke)

(Trackless) Cost > Cycles > Area
Cycles > Area > Cost

> is used as an arrow and indicates tiebreaker order.
No use of tracks are permitted in the Cost metric; however, you are free to use them in the Cycles metric.

Stabilized Water ×2
Stabilized Fire ×2

Painkiller Tincture (Component A)
Painkiller Tincture (Component B)

ATKINS: Thank you for the very interesting presentation. Does this only pertains to Vitae-Mors containing fluids?
JOHANNSON: Potentially not, but since the opposite-attraction is the strongest between the two, it is easiest to observe in such materials. (pause) Yes?
VELON: I'm Josepine Velon, from earlier today. If I am understanding this right, then this phenomenon is only present at certain temperatures, correct?
JOHANNSON: Correct. On higher temperatures, the heat energy overcomes any opposite-attraction forces, and the self-aligning property is lost. Any more questions?

Click here after solving puzzle to reveal post solve flavortext

JOHANNSON: I sense something is on your mind?
RAVARI: Ah, nothing significant. Just, about my late uncle again, and what has happened to him, now that I am within the mainstream of the alchemy...
JOHANNSON: It is unfortunate that your uncle had done it.
RAVARI: He only wanted the best for house Colvan. He is not the kind of person who would do it.
RAVARI: I know for sure that he was framed by a jealous rival.
JOHANNSON: Let's hope the same does not happen to you then.

download: OM2025_3_Self-Organizing_Fluid.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

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