/ Opus Magnum Tournament 2025 /

Session 4 Making of: Alchemical Duplicator

event ended on february 2, 2025 at 12:59 UTC
view all submissions

The Amazing Everything-Machine

Savant, Antenor (House Soria)

You must duplicate the given Template Atom and output it forever, which may be anything from: {Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold}.
You may not drop any single atom that is not the correct atom on the output.
You may not grab the second Template Atom. (Due to validator limitations, this rule will not be automatically enforced. Make sure to double-chcek your solves)

If your solve can reach the victory screen for all 10 cases, you are eligible for the bonus 5 points. (If the metric names do not appear, your solve won't be eligible for the "Average of 10 cases" metric.)
You can try submitting the solve, even if there is no rate or steady-state area.

(Average of all 10 cases) Cost + Rate×24 + Area@∞ + Instructions (Tiebreakers are setup to show average Rate, then average Area)
Free 5 points for anyone who submitted a valid solve (Tiebreakers are setup to show Cost, then Instrs)

Template Atom
Elemental Salt
Elemental Lead
Elemental Quicksilver

Template Atom

Click here after solving puzzle to reveal post solve flavortext


That's him.

download: OM2025_4_The_Amazing_Everything_Machine.puzzle (where do i put this?)

submission form

this event has ended — showcase submissions are still accepted up to 24 hours post-deadline
by what name would you like to be known?

how can you be contacted? (fill in either or both)

entering a secret key (8+ characters) lets you see your solutions and add notes after submission

which .solution files would you like to submit? (where do i find these?)